Tag Archives: Bad Days

The 5 best movies to watch on “one of those days”

Life can be harsh. There will always be those days when everything seems to go wrong.

There will always be those days when you wake up at 6 am to have a decent hot shower and style your hair before going to work, just to leave the house and find yourself to be in the middle of a storm.

There will always be those days when you have a very important thing to do, yet you will miss our tram, or break your bag, or simply trip into something and make your clothes look like a mess.

There will always be those days when you don’t feel great, but you don’t feel that bad either… until when someone shocks you with news you expected to hear, sooner or later, but that you were not ready to receive just yet.

Sunny days, rainy days, spring or winter days. It does not matter. Those are the days you just want to hide under a blanket and forget about the rest.

When it happens to me I like to go home, turn on my laptop, and find refuge in movies. A cup of tea usually helps too (who am I kidding, I’m a tea-addict, a cup of tea always helps me…).

Depending on what happened you may want to watch a comedy, a horror, or one of those long British costume films. However, regardless of what is the occasion, I am confident of the fact that a gloomy mood can be alleviated (if not even cured) with the following selection of cinematographic items:

  1. Amelie – because the overtly-saturated filters used by the director will make you love the awkward main character even more. She is one of those people who sometimes is too afraid to act, too afraid to enjoy love, but not too afraid to play. We should all be like Amelie Poulain every now and then. Bonus: the movie is set in Paris. Who doesn’t love Paris?
  2. (500) Days Of Summer – because if you are having a crappy day, be sure that poor Joseph Gordon Levitt is having a day that is at least 10 times worse while trying to be loved back by the most hateful version of Zooey Deschanel. Enjoy the soundtrack, it’s the right combination of indie, commercial sounds, and comforting noises.
  3. Inglorious Bastards – because Quentin Tarantino surely knows how to take revenge over someone who did something bad… like the Nazis! If you are in one of those moods that make you freak out about the smallest thing your neighbor does (as closing the entrance door slightly louder than usual, or walking too often to the toilet), it’s time to invest some energy in watching a relatively long movie, where there is blood, shootings, explosions, an evil plot, and Brad Pitt. All seasoned with a juicy soundtrack that should have been available during WWII because is way too perfect for the settings.
  4. The Lives Of Others – because if messed up politics, sucky economic situation, or just a bad argument with your friends made you lose faith in humanity, this film will not only teach you something about the situation people were facing in East Berlin during the Cold War, but will also make you feel grateful for what you have right now.
  5. Toy Story 3 – because sometimes the best thing to do is let it all out. Hug your pillow and cry, Buzz and Woody will not judge you.


Federica Romaniello

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